January 4, 2024

Intimacy: Are We a "Normal" Couple?

Intimacy is a tricky topic for so many couples and the comparison game that friends can play sometimes, doesn't make it easier. Let us give you a few easy and fun questions to spark conversation with your partner.

How many times have you been in a conversation with a buddy where they're talking about their intimate life with their partner, and you get in your head about whether your love life stacks up? Intimacy means different things to different people. Whether it's holding hands or exploring full physical intimacy, many of us wonder if we are doing it too much...or not enough? What is the national average? Has our intimate relationship become boring? 

Intimacy can only be defined and agreed-upon between you and your partner. Core to knowing if you're a 'normal' couple around this topic is simple: respectful communication with your partner and your partner alone. Seven Circles dedicates a whole date-night session to Intimacy because not only is it important to talk about together, but it can be really difficult to talk about together! For whatever reason, many couples struggle broaching the subject. If you fit this category, here’s a few questions to get you started. Use these as a launching pad for anything you want to talk about! Be open to wherever the conversation leads. 

  1. How do you define intimacy? Where do you think you learned that definition? 
  1. What’s something that attracts you to your partner? 
  1. What are the core ingredients to a great date? What’s the best date you’ve ever been on together? 

Author: Jordyn is the Director of Community Education for SHALVA. She oversees all things Seven Circles. Jordyn was born and raised in New Jersey; she thinks nothing is better than a good East Coast bagel.