May 19, 2022

Love in the Time of COVID

As we continue to emerge from our COVID bubbles, we may be emerging with a new relationship! Consider new scenarios that may come up in your relationship for the first time.

As we continue to emerge from our bubbles that we stayed in during these past 2+ years, we may be emerging with a new relationship! For those of us who found love during the pandemic, the coming months are an exciting time to be with our partner in new ways. It may also be a time when different things come up in our relationship that we haven’t had to consider yet. Think about some of these potential scenarios and how they fit with your relationship.

  • How you spend your time. You will probably have more options than you did before. If you both are invited out by friends, how do you balance getting to know each other’s friends, making time for your friends, and carving time out for your relationship and yourself? Figuring out how to make those decisions in a respectful and thoughtful way is essential.
  • How you spend your money. Does your partner want to splurge on a new restaurant that is way more expensive than you would go to? Would you prefer to stay in and watch a movie rather than spend money at a theater? Navigating different financial principles can be one of the biggest challenges for couples. Work out the smaller things that come up early in your relationship so you can be on the same page for later, bigger financial decisions.
  • What feels safe. Yes, hopefully we’re at the tail-end of the pandemic, but we are all still weighing different variables that may affect what we are comfortable doing. Maybe your partner has high-risk elderly parents to visit frequently, or you are excited to see your new baby niece regularly. Understanding and respecting boundaries is an important conversation to have (not just related to the pandemic, but for a lot of topics in your relationship!).

Be ready to have open communication, understanding, and independence within your relationship. These foundational ideas are so critical, and take time and practice. Looking for some more guidance? Seven Circles may be right for you! Now is the perfect time for you to consider how to deepen your connection with intention. Head to our How It Works page for more!